Save the dates for this summer's parish-wide Sunday VBS celebrations.
June 23, 30, July 7, & 14
The theme for this year's Vacation Bible School is "Christmas Unwrapped!" When Christmas comes around, we are all so busy with parties, shopping, and family, that we can miss the good news of great joy. This summer during VBS, there will be opportunities for our entire parish to grow together and learn about the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ and what that means for our daily lives.
The children of the church will learn something new about Christmas during the Children's Chapel of the 10:30 a.m. service.
After church, we'll have lunch for our whole parish.
Then, we'll split up and have programs for children, youth, and adults. Whether you can attend every session or just one of them, you will get something out of it!
VBS is free and open to everyone!
At least one adult per family must attend and participate at VBS (No drop offs)